Thursday, July 01, 2010

YouTube subscribers update: 150

Hello blog for the 2nd time today. I practised "Terrified" for a few times again. I realised this song has too wide a range for me to sing like I did in "Imagination". I think I'm gonna sing it with more power (more air). My vocals sounded more in control and the tone is much richer. It just hit me that different songs have to be sung differently.

Let's summarise certain things I have learnt over the months of my YouTube journey.

1) Different songs must be sung differently.
2) Breathing is critical. More air gives more control and a richer tone.
3) The notes must flow melodiously. Do not let notes fly everywhere or break the phrases.
4) Sing into a focal point. (this one I'm not too sure but it does help in giving me more controlled vocals)
5) Pitch!!! Practise!!!
6) Warm up!!! Doing singing exercises help alot!!! When you sing, it sounds smoother. (refer to point 3)

Okay these are pretty much what I have learnt over the months. I'm gonna continue practising "Terrified" tomorrow!!!

Wish me luck!