Saturday, July 10, 2010


A recent conversation with a dear friend regarding positivity changed my entire perspective on being human. Positivity negates negativity and simultaneously attracts more positivity. We may fall low at times but how you turn the situation around is in fact just dependant on your state of mind.

There are the few people I came across in my life that are always happy. They naturally attracts people to them (friendly terms). People feel happy staying around them and speaking to them. It's like their positivity overflows out of them and they do nothing! They can just stand there and smile. But that overflowing aura of positivity just negates your negativity and you feel so good just being their friends.

Maybe it's time we all start thinking about why we should stop gossiping about people, complaining about life, etc. And start looking to the positive side to many issues that affect us in life. And who knows, our lives will only start getting better...

And better.


Jon Wong said...

Youtube subscribers : 159


Edison Justin Cross said...

thank you =D

Anonymous said...

Have you read, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne?

Monica said...

how true! gotta stay positive!