Thursday, July 01, 2010

YouTube subscribers update: 149

Hello blog. I was practising "Terrified" the whole afternoon today. It was enlightening initially, finding out my own style of singing. So what exactly is my style of singing? I'm still in the stage of self discovery but so far, what I learnt is that me playing my guitar and singing. That is the real me. I am a singer-songwriter. That is me.

In the midst of my YouTube journey, I got lost of who I am. I was trying out so many types of songs but I realised the best genre for me is what I did in the first video "Imagination". Just my guitar and my voice, getting into the music and feel the groove. Yup, that's what I do best.

But after recording "Terrified" over 30 times and feeling really good about myself. I stumbled upon some other people's covers and I felt really demoralized. I re-listened to my own recording and I realised although I had the groove, I was lacking in my tone. My notes sounded thin. - Okay I think it's the breathing problem. Not enough air to support coz I'm focusing too much on the groove. I probably should stick with the range and practise more.

Wish me luck. =/