Sunday, August 20, 2006


the walk towards the twilight forces you to keep your eyes squinted. you can barely make out what's coming at you, to put it crudely, you're half-blind. that's how love makes you. it's like staring at the light and just heading towards it because you're enjoying the warmth of love, the lighted future it brings. love makes you do the craziest things. and it's always justified in the name of love.

likewise a prayer, we hold in our hearts hopes and dreams that we long for to be alive. the reasons we breathe, the reasons we live. we hold in our hearts hopes and dreams that not only long to be alive, but are also the very source that keeps us alive.

if life was easy, it wouldn't have been so enriching, so promising. if life was easy, well, living wouldn't have been such a great thing after all.

all the hopes and all the dreams that i hold in my heart, i long for you. because in your eyes i see

what true love means.