Saturday, August 19, 2006


it's like watching cars rushing on the highway as you stroll down the sidewalk so far away from the road. you tilt your head and gaze at the night sky, counting stars. the breeze swept across your face gently coupled with a little scent of lavender in this winter night, you find peace. the purple flowers blooming across the fields, gentle flakes of snow falling. such a beautiful sight.

the silent whisper of your voice in my head as i tucked my hands in my jacket. i wonder how it'll be if you're here with me. just the two of us sitting on the purple fields holding hands. it'll be wonderful, wouldn't it?

i walked this path never trying to find out where i'm going because living is a process and the end will be whatever it will be. i don't want to care if it's gonna stop snowing or the lavenders gonna wither or the stars might fade.

there'll always be a time when it's gonna snow again, lavenders gonna bloom again, the stars gonna shine again. just like the both of us, there'll be a time when it's just the two of us again. just you and i sitting on the purple fields gazing at the quiet night sky

with you holding my hands.