Monday, August 21, 2006


imagine how it'll be like if the stars were to start falling from the skies and when we gaze up, we see a furious shower of bright lights luminating the whole dark night. imagine how it'll be like if we were to travel in the spaceship amongst this shower of fire globes, how exciting it'll be if you and i were to go through it together. how wonderful it is to go through the ups and downs with you.

you stood out amongst the sea of souls, the only one that drew all my attention to. but you aren't here tonight, and i'm in this sea all alone. the crowd drowned my emotions, the music emplified my delusion. the alcohol drunk my sanity, you crowded my entire being. no matter how i try to cast it all out, i cannot for i can never live without you. no, never without you.

a slam on my head against the hard wooden wall, i cannot bleed, my life is still unwanted. i'm painfully walking this road i'm on, struggling to keep up with something i could never comprehend. oh heavens open your door, let this poor soul in just for a little while. so he can rest his troubled soul in the comfort of the angels.

and when i think of you, i find my peace within. because you are my savior, you are my soul companion. if i keep your presence in my heart

i live.