Wednesday, March 01, 2006


the saccharine taste of your blood
the warmth that keeps me alive
as you lay here quietly in my arms

your face pale like fresh pearls from sea
i held your hand in mine
our physical bodies moulded together as one

the beauty of tragedy as our souls interwined
in the sweetness of entanglement of our fates
you belong to me, you belong to me

your reluctance to submit to my love
your rejection upon my obsession on you
i fear for you my love

for the world no longer hold its place for you
you belong to me, you belong to me

in the dark where you seek solace
in the light where you tried to hide
from the harsh fact of pain and misery

look into your windows into your soul
through the mirror upon the pale blue sky

you life that flows in me
your soul that i saved from hell

the mark of your destiny
you belong to me, you belong to me.