Friday, July 01, 2005


"sir, why are you driving the car?" the traffic police queried sternly. his eyes behind the big black shades.

"it's my brand new black mazda 6.0." i snapped. i didn't bother to hide my irritation. "it costed me $80 000."

"but you are so young." he commented, still keeping his composure. "unless you can show me your license."

"i don't have my license." i groaned. c'mon, how long are you going to keep me? i'm late for my movie! "they are supposed to send me by post last week!"

he took out his logbook. "i'm afraid sir that i will have to take you back to the -"

"wait a minute." i interrupted. "SCREEN ME."

he paused for a moment, "alright." he said quietly. "your ic, please."

"S********" i recited. "i don't have my ic with me."

he keyed in the numbers.

one minute passed...

"oh you have a license!" he sounded surprised.

"like duh?" i shot him with an uninterested look.

"wow that's young," he smiled. "welcome to the real world man!"

i was already miles away to hear that.
