Monday, March 09, 2009

no point speaking out your mind when no one bothers to listen. anyone who care to share this heavy load in my head? my heart feels heavy, a little aching. i'd brought this to myself. it helps to not think, it helps pretending not to care. who am i? what rights do i have? none. all these, can only be said here, for myself to listen. because it ain't that important to you. nope, not that important at all.


Chia Meng said...

boo. what's troubling you?

Carole said...

love what's wrong?

Jason Yip said...

Chanced upon your latest entry whilst I was bumming around on the net waiting for lessons to start. I believe the only one that really cares about you is... yourself. :) With that rather selfish comment left on your post, I hope the week will end for you on a slighter brighter note. Cheers!

Imprezzionist said...

Haiyo, what happened sia? Why suddenly so bei guan?