Friday, September 29, 2006


we all live like muted trumpets for sometimes we cannot play in our true sound in certain pieces in our lives. a symphony requires the whole unique blend of each and every individual instrument and there are times when we will have to mute the trumpets if that is the sound required.

we have to sacrifice the small things to accomplish something greater.

likewise in life, there are times when we have to mute ourselves (not literally) in order to fit into society. however, it doesn't mean we aren't ourselves anymore.

we're simply more reserved.

the choices in life come in hordes of sudden waves. we have to decide so quickly we often regret our decision. we think too much, bother too much about other factors that we failed to realise what the heart really wants. most of the time, all we have to do is follow our hearts.

cliche, but so true.

i believe we all only have a hundred years to live. i guess for every single moment to me is a gift from God who want me to make the best out of every one of them. i love the things God have given me in life.

He have given me the best i could receive.

i see heaven when i close my eyes.
when i close my eyes, i see you.