Tuesday, July 18, 2006


i have the urge to reformat my comp. ugh damn it. whenever i see pop-ups like everywhere i surf. i feel like just reformating my poor comp which is unfortunately contaminated by so many irritating spywares.

FUCK spywares.

if i could materialise spywares from the drives on my comp, i'll make sure i throw it all into a big pot of BOILING oil and start frying them ALIVE. and probably i'll start adding so much salt on their scalding skin to accentuate their PAINNNNN.

i'll make sure they scream out for their lives...

i'm really starting to believe in seeing things from a different perspective. YES. it works, literally.

along this mainroad of eunos... yes, i've stood at the two extreme sides of the road and i'd only came to realise that i've been at the same place all along!

it's just looking at the same road from different sides and man, it did looked freakingly different. you know it's the same place, but yet when you take a different stand, you feel different, you see different!

i'm just amazed. really amazed.