Monday, August 29, 2005


someone fined me. i spat on concrete.
how did he know? a wet spot.
i sprained my back. i somersaulted.

twice in a row.
there you are! i stood at the entrance.

a dilemma's facing me. his back against the wall.
go away, i mumbled.
she knows, he knows ---

but i don't.

i'd count the stars. three times.
first time 168.
second time 174.
third time 3.

i thought it was stupid.
lavender is purple. or is it violet?
it's the same, someone commented.

no no, i shook my head.
it's simple.

lavender is violet. lust is purple.
lust, his greatest sin.

her greatest enemy.

don't worry, i would repeat a million times.
he stared at her looking at me.
i will litter in my garden with love.

maybe it will grow a tree.

let it rain. or maybe let rain pour.
honest liars, i loved them.

i was an ally.

if i was to crumble a piece of paper.
it will be the blue one.

monday blues. don't apply to me.
nowadays i hate tuesdays.

tomorrow's tuesday.