Sunday, June 20, 2010

YouTube Channel update: 135 subscribers.

Hello there, weeks have passed. I feel like I'm constantly coming back to this blog to rant about things. I guess we can't always be at tip top condition. These are the moments that I feel really weak mentally (and physically today) when I just need to reflect on certain issues in life currently.

Music: I have been inspired to write a chinese song today. Pretty different from the usual songs I write. Which I feel is great. At least there's a breakthrough out of the usual song model i use. However, the melody is rather hard to catch. But I'm sure it'll grow on people as they listen to it more. Singing, I still need to work on it alot. Haha. But there's improvement, which is good. Hopefully, I can keep on progressing.

Life: Pertaining to my own plans, it's still heading in the right direction. Not much issues deviating from the usual. I should just keep working towards this direction. People, this is tough. I feel I have been building too much walls and too little bridges. I'm starting to knock into all these walls I built. =/ Let's not think too much into today.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


we all need the occassional setbacks to propel us forward in life. a lot of times, we view 'setbacks' literally as being incidents that obstruct us from reaching our goals. ironically, it is these obstruction that fuels us even more strongly to breakthrough and reach another level.

simply put for my case, i feel that every time i get hit by a criticism about my singing or songwriting, it gives me a 'mini goal' to accomplish. all these small steps that i take brings me further than what i could ever imagined it to be.

not surprisingly, with every video i put up, every song that i sing, every song that i write, i want to be better than before. now, i'm taking longer to put up a video. this is good because i want to make sure i put up something that keeps showing that i'm improving.

120 subscribers right now. my goal - 1,000,000. haha sounds far fetched but i gave myself 3 years and unlimited times of putting up videos. someday, i'll make it. it's how i brace myself through the obstacles right now.

the present is a gift. i look at these 120 people who believes in me right now and i always tell myself. i should really do something to get to know these 120 people. i'm currently thinking of putting up a video to thank these people who believes in me.. all these mean so much, so much to me.

if you happen to be reading this, i would like to thank you for this amazing gift you have for me. i know this is very hard to keep my word to but i would have to hold on to this belief. as long as 1 person is touched by my song and singing.

i'll keep on singing.